The experts would say that healthy food doesn't come in a box, but I beg to differ. My some of my favorite foods come in a box. And straight from my favorite little farm right outside of town. This is my weekly (or bi-weekly in the Winter) CSA box from Rocky Glade Farm.
Here is a brief description of a CSA:
Buying "shares" of our produce straight from the farm has made a huge difference in our lives over the last three years.
Here's how:
1. We started buying this CSA for convenience. I wanted a one-stop bi-weekly shop for good Wintertime greens. However, after meeting the Vaughn family and getting to know their heart it quickly became much more. Taking care of God's earth and providing food in a responsible, sustainable way using organic farming practices is a calling for them, and a ministry to those they serve. These are the people I want growing my food. People who share my faith and values, and provide an outstanding product.
2. It has opened up new and exciting foods to us. Hello, kohlrabi? God created thousands of beautiful and tasty veggies for us to eat, and we limit ourselves to the year-round bagged baby spinach and Mexican asparagus at the supermarket? Boring. I have learned that eating can be an excellent adventure, you've just gotta dive in!
3. It helps me plan. A couple of days before my pick-up I receive an email letting me know what's going to be in my box for the week. I usually look it over, then start thumbing through my favorite cookbooks and bookmarked blog recipes to (loosely) plan my meals for the week. On my way to the farm, I can swing by the grocery to grab any needed items and know that when dinner time comes it can be healthy and stress-free!
4. It made me conscious. When you get to look at your lettuce and squash in the dirt every week, it makes you think more about everything else you put in your body. This is a HUGE topic for another day, but if your interested in finding out more about what exactly goes into food production in this country some great resources (and fun reads) are: Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver and The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.
5. It gives me a voice. We vote with our money and I am casting my vote for local, sustainably grown food from farmers who care about what they grow. Whether it's vegetables, meat, dairy, whatever - spending your money consciously makes a difference. Instead of being divvied up around the country (and the world) between the supplier, advertiser, pesticide company, seed engineer, petroleum conglomerate, packager, distributer, and finally, farmer (but there likely is no "farmer" at all). My money stays right here, where I live and goes to people I believe in. That makes me feel great!
If you aren't already buying locally or participating in a CSA, I encourage you to investigate a bit. Start small by a trip to the farmer's market (or the farm!) and getting to know some local farmers. They are a wealth of knowledge! Buy a vegetable or fruit that's new to you and find a fun recipe. Who knows, a whole new "food world" could await you!
Here is a great farm guide for Middle Tennessee: Local Table
And one for the rest of the country: Local Harvest
Do you have any good relationships/experiences with local food/farmers? Leave a comment! I would love to share resources! :)
Love it, Amanda! Pretty picture! Can't wait for a juicy summer tomato! You've got the knack- keep 'em comin'!
We've already talked a bit about CSAs and the only reason we're hesitating to sign up for this coming year is the fact that we really want to MOVE, we just don't know if it's going to happen for us or not. I absolutely love the idea of doing this, for all the reasons you listed and more. I think it would really encourage us to eat better, and to have far more variety in our diets than we do, now. That box made my mouth water something awful!
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